
Sue Holden

Chief Executive

Sue has worked in the NHS for over 41 years after initially starting her career as a librarian. Sue trained as a nurse, then midwife and worked clinically for over 15 years before developing her interest in OD and learning. 

Sue worked as an Executive Director in a Teaching Trust before moving to become the Lead Improvement Director for NHS Improvement in 2015. For 7 years Sue worked with Trusts in Quality and Financial Special Measures and latterly as the National Director for Intensive Support. She developed and implemented a new approach to support and the Recovery Support Programme became part of NHSE's revised oversight framework in 2021.

Sue was appointed as Aqua’s Chief Executive in June 2022. Sue is recognised for her compassionate approach to providing improvement support to organisations, senior leadership teams and Boards. Sue believes it is more ‘how’ we go about supporting organisations than ‘what’ we do, as the key to enabling organisations to improve and most importantly sustain improvement. Her philosophy is based upon clear leadership, the application of improvement science aligned to clear governance and a willingness to stand alongside and find a way through the many challenges we face in providing great care to our communities.