
Dr Penny Dash

NHS England

Penny is Chair of NW London Integrated Care System (ICS) – responsible for improving the health and healthcare of ~2.5 million people within a ~£7bn budget.    
Penny led a review of CQC, the main quality regulator, in summer 2024 and a subsequent review of the wider safety regulatory landscape.
Penny works with investors and start-ups, is co-Chair of the Cambridge Health Network and a member of Advisory Boards at Brunel University Medical School and the Alzheimer’s Society.   She is a member of the Institute for Financial Studies (IFS) Council, the NHS Assembly and the London Life Sciences Advisory Board.   
Penny spent 20 years at McKinsey & co, leading the healthcare practice across Europe.  She was previously Director of Strategy of the Department of Health, Vice Chairman at the King’s Fund and Non-Executive Director, Monitor, Regulator of Foundation Trusts.
Penny originally worked as a doctor and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. She has an MSc in Public Health Medicine and a MBA from Stanford Business School.