
  • In every category, judges are looking for well-presented, academic posters that describe clear, well-evidenced projects, with the ultimate goal of delivering tangible improvements in patient safety. 
  • Posters should focus on learning through measuring change. 
  • Illustrative examples are given for each category, but projects are not limited to these examples. 

What are the criteria for a good poster? 

  • A brief outline of the context 
  • A brief outline of the problem 
  • An assessment of the problem and analysis of its causes 
  • The strategy for change 
  • Measurement of improvement 
  • The effects of change(s) implemented 
  • The lessons learnt 
  • What others can learn from what you have done 

Patient Safety Congress 2024 – Poster Competition Categories  

  1. Recognising and responding to the deteriorating patient: Judges are looking for projects that promote the quick recognition and escalation of deteriorating patients. Examples may include specific work around AKI or sepsis, or wider pieces of work on the effective recognition, response and rescue of deteriorating patients in acute or community settings.   
  2. Working with vulnerable patients: Judges are looking for projects that promote safety within a setting that cares for vulnerable patients. Examples may include caring for those with dementia, learning disabilities, mental health or a focus on enhancing patient safety for vulnerable patients at home, in the community or mental health setting.   
  3. PSIRF implementation: Judges are looking for projects focusing on the PSIRF transition that have improved compassionate engagement, organisational learning, system based and data-driven approaches for responding to patient safety incidents. 
  4. Preventing harm and reducing risk: Judges are looking for projects that have identified risk factors in a clinical/ward setting and effectively mitigated these to prevent harm and/or reduce risk of future patient safety incidents. 
  5. A just culture for learning and change: Judges are looking for projects that show a drive for organisational and cultural change, placing emphasis on building a safe, restorative and just culture for both patients and staff. Examples may include initiatives that remove the fear of speaking up or shifting the focus from blame to learning in incident investigations.   
  6. Protecting and supporting the workforce: Judges are looking for projects that have placed high importance on protecting and supporting the workforce to enhance staff wellbeing. Initiatives may include dismantling systemic discrimination, co-ordinating a trauma-informed response to mitigate psychological harm, safer staffing, overcoming moral injury or PEE.   
  7. Effective use of Quality Improvement methods: Judges are looking for projects demonstrating effective employment of QI methodology to deliver a measurable impact on safety. Examples may include projects using low-cost interventions, processes to improve reporting or improving care pathways.  
  8. Effective use of data or technology: Judges are looking for projects that make use of innovative data or technology to improve the safety of patients and alleviate pressure on the system. Examples may include the use of data or technology to design out errors, detect patient deterioration, speed up processes or enable patient self-management.   
  9. Education and training: Judges are looking for projects that show innovative and impactful education and training programmes. Examples may include the implementation of a new programme or the improvement of an existing programme to increase its impact.  
  10. The patient voice: Judges are looking for projects that demonstrate the genuine co-production of patients with lived experience in reviewing processes and re-designing services. Examples may include practical approaches to patient and family engagement, using patient feedback to enhance care delivery, or ongoing partnerships between patients and the services they use.