Jono Broad
NHSE&I Integrated Personalised Care South West Region
My name is Jono and I have 30 years of experience working as a patient leader with a long-term condition helping to improve patient engagement, Quality Improvement and Patient Safety.
I am a senior manager for personalised care in the NHSE SW regional team and I also work for NHSE Time for Care team and an improvement facilitator, the team work across primary care nationally using quality improvement tools to support improvement in primary care for both patients and staff.
Outside of my NHS work I am also a member of the BERYL Institute (USA) and work on their Global Patient and Family Advisory Board. I’ve had the privilege of working and knowing the NHS from Bed to Board, I’ve seen both the best and worst and I believe we can and should work toward a safe, reliable effective NHS that supports both patient and staff in everything we do.
LinkedIn @jonobroad