With this year’s focus on ‘facing reality – honest conversations about safety’, the 16th Patient Safety Congress and Awards uniquely brings together 1000+ NHS and independent healthcare leaders, managers, clinicians, patient representatives and the centre who share the goal of transforming patient safety across the system.

Through acknowledging the current healthcare environment in the UK, the Congress challenges the status quo on safety with dynamic and honest discussions on how to improve patient care across the system. Our focus of not shying away from controversial topics and being honest about issues being faced and how to overcome them stands the event apart.

Core 2023 focuses:

  1. The new reality for the NHS - how can we reset on safety to survive, and ultimately thrive?
  2. Supporting our workforce most effectively through improving wellbeing, safe staffing, education and enhancing safety culture 
  3. Practical innovation at the frontline to minimise risk and deliver safe care in the current environment
  4. Resetting safety approaches through sharing examples of how to translate theory into practice which delivers better outcomes for patients
  5. Better integrating pathways across, primary, acute, social and allied health to improve outcomes across the patient journey    

2023 streams:

  • Integrating care – managing safety across patient pathways          
  • Staff wellbeing and workforce: Empowering a safety culture         
  • Practical innovation - Frontline safety projects     
  • Putting patients and family at the centre 
  • Safety systems and standards to drive improvement
  • Preventing harm and reducing risk           
  • Enabling a positive patient safety culture in your organisation      
  • Human factors for safe and efficient care
  • Targeted interventions: Deteriorating and high-risk patients
  • Using data, tools and technology to improve safety and care

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